Exercise of Subject Verb Agreement with Answers

Exercise of Subject Verb Agreement with Answers

Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule that dictates that the verb used in a sentence should agree in number with the subject. This means that if the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb should also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural. This may seem like a simple rule, but it can be tricky, and making mistakes in subject-verb agreement can harm your writing and cause misunderstandings. In this article, we will discuss the exercise of subject-verb agreement with answers to help you practice and improve your writing skills.

Exercise: Choose the correct verb form for each sentence.

1. The dog _____ in the park. (run, runs)

Answer: runs

2. The children _____ to school. (walk, walks)

Answer: walk

3. My mom _____ delicious food. (cook, cooks)

Answer: cooks

4. The birds _____ in the trees. (sing, sings)

Answer: sing

5. John, along with his brothers, _____ going to the party. (is, are)

Answer: is

6. The book that I have been reading _____ very interesting. (is, are)

Answer: is

7. There _____ many people at the concert. (was, were)

Answer: were

8. Each of the students _____ a different story. (write, writes)

Answer: writes

9. The committee _____ a decision. (make, makes)

Answer: makes

10. The players _____ their best on the field. (give, gives)

Answer: give

Subject-verb agreement exercises like these can help you learn the rules and avoid common mistakes in your writing. Remember to always match the verb used in a sentence with the subject in both number and person. For instance, if the subject is in the third person singular, the verb should be in the third person singular as well. Practice makes perfect, so keep practicing and reviewing your work to ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and grammatically correct.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an indispensable grammar rule that should be followed in all types of writing. Using the correct verb form helps your readers understand your message, and it also portrays you as a professional writer. By practicing exercises like the ones above, you can improve your writing skills, avoid common mistakes, and become a more confident writer.

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